Ayurveda cures have become increasingly popular in recent years. This is certainly also due to the fact that you no longer have to travel to India or Sri Lanka for an Ayurveda treatment, but can also find authentic offers in Europe. One of the best and oldest resorts in Europe is Ayurveda Port Salvi in Spain. It was here that Indian doctors first brought authentic Ayurveda to Europe 30 years ago. In order for an Ayurveda treatment to fully unfold its healing powers, various factors must work together harmoniously and holistically. Find out exactly what these factors are here.
Experienced healing experts for your Ayurveda treatment
The expertise of the practising doctors is of course very important for the healing success of an Ayurveda treatment. All Ayurveda doctors in Port Salvi have received their training as Ayurveda doctors at a renowned Ayurveda Medical School in India. They have many years of experience in all Ayurvedic diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Their dosha diagnosis is the basis for all further therapy procedures and is decisive for the lasting healing effect of your Ayurveda treatment.
A healing centre of power for your Ayurveda treatment
The location where an Ayurveda treatment takes place is also decisive for its healing success. Ideally, this should be a beautiful setting surrounded by nature. The Ayurveda Resort Port Salvi, with its mild Mediterranean climate and an ever-fresh sea breeze, offers the best conditions for it, nestled in a subtropical garden with a magnificent location directly above the sea. The resort is a true place of power. The ideal location to find inner peace, relaxation and new vitality.
The healing effect of Ayurvedic oils
Ayurveda Port Salvi is one of the few Ayurveda resorts in Europe to use only original Ayurvedic oils imported directly from India. These oils have a powerful healing effect during your Ayurveda treatment. Thanks to their ability to bind and eliminate toxins, they detoxify and purify the body in a profound way. When massaged into the body, they also lead to deep relaxation and harmonisation. In this way, your self-healing powers are sustainably stimulated during your Ayurveda treatment.
Ayurvedic nutrition is medicine
‘Your food should be your remedy’. This quote shows how important a healthy diet is during an Ayurveda treatment. However, this does not necessarily have to be an Indian diet. The meals can be just as well adapted to the eating habits of the respective region, as long as the Ayurvedic nutritional principles such as promoting Agni (digestive fire) and avoiding Ama (waste products) are adhered to. During your Ayurveda treatment in Port Salvi, you will enjoy delicious Mediterranean Ayurveda cuisine that keeps body and soul together and actively supports the healing effects.
Yoga and meditation strengthen self-healing powers
It can be reduced to a simple denominator. An Ayurveda cure without meditation and yoga is not an Ayurveda cure. These ancient Vedic practices belong together not only because of their historical development. In their synergetic interaction, they strengthen the healing effects of every Ayurveda treatment. The self-healing effects that have already been stimulated in the body by the Ayurveda treatments are continued and strengthened by mediation and yoga. In Port Salvi, courses are offered twice a day, including Sundays and public holidays.