Healing with Ayurveda

Ayurveda cures have become increasingly popular in recent years. This is certainly also due to the fact that you no longer have to travel to India or Sri Lanka for an Ayurveda treatment, but can also find authentic offers in Europe. One of the best and oldest resorts in Europe is Ayurveda Port Salvi in…

Ayurvedic advice for winter

Being sick in winter is normal? Not at all! I’ll give you a few simple Ayurvedic tips to help you stay healthy and vital through this cold season of year. Of course, the cold during the winter days weakens our immune system. And the permanent lack of light can easily lead to a low mood, the well-known winter blues. But you can counteract these attacks on your well-being with very simple Ayurvedic actions.


Regeneration and rejuvenation with Ayurveda

Staying young with Ayurveda Regeneration and rejuvenation have always been central components of Ayurvedic health teachings. While in Western culture the terms Anti-aging and Wellness have only been in focus since the beginning of the new millennium due to demographic change, regeneration and holistic rejuvenation have been firmly established in Ayurveda for thousands of years.…

Ayurvedic tips for autumn

We all still enjoy the late summer with its warm sunny days. But the days are getting shorter, the nights are getting cooler and the first leaves are getting their colorful dress. Autumn is a time of transition. Many trees and shrubs are quietly undressing in preparation for the winter. There is a subtle browning…

Ayurveda tips for spring

Ayurveda tips for spring After a long winter, everyone is looking forward to spring – to the increasing rays of sunshine, the slowly blossoming nature and outdoor sports.  But many people cannot really enjoy the long-awaited awakening of nature: they are tired and listless, susceptible to colds and suffer from so-called spring fatigue.   Where…

Ayurvedische Trinkkur - Topf auf Herdplatte

Ayurvedic hot water cure

According to Ayurveda, our body consists of five basic elements – water, earth, fire, air and space. Among these, water is the predominant element, because our body consists of about 70 percent water. So the prevention of diseases in our body is very much related to the element of water. In winter, metabolic waste products…


Covid 19 – Prevention & treatment in Ayurveda

The transmission of coronavirus is influenced by several factors, including environmental factors, behaviour of the host, defence mechanisms of the host (the body with a weakened immune system is more susceptible) and the infectivity of the virus. In Ayurvedic prevention and therapy there are various treatment options available to strengthen immunity to respiratory diseases. These…

Ayurveda against stress

Ayurvedic doctor Dr. Sachin Sarpotbar of Ayurveda Resort Port Salvi gives you 7 valuable Ayurvedic tips to reduce stress. Dr. Sachin has accompanied many patients with stress symptoms during many years of his practice. He has deep experience in prophylaxis and stress reduction. Dr. Sachin will show you how to achieve better sleep with a…

Die besten Ayurveda Tips

Healthy and permanent weight loss

Ayurvedic doctor Dr. Shrish Deshpande of Ayurveda Resort Port Salvi gives advice for healthy and lasting weight loss. With a healthy lifestyle you strengthen your Agni, your personal digestive fire. Agni is strengthened by doing hot water and ginger cures. Ayurvedic spices help to reduce weight. A 5 hour break between meals and eating after…