The transmission of coronavirus is influenced by several factors, including environmental factors, behaviour of the host, defence mechanisms of the host (the body with a weakened immune system is more susceptible) and the infectivity of the virus.
In Ayurvedic prevention and therapy there are various treatment options available to strengthen immunity to respiratory diseases. These include certain immune modulators (known as Rasayana) as well as local and systemic interventions. These are local prophylactic measures such as herbal decoctions, drinking hot water, gargling with medicinal water and Ayurvedic steam inhalation for respiratory diseases. All these measures work very quickly and can be carried out easily without great cost.
The Ayurvedic concept of a holistic lifestyle
In Ayurveda, health is achieved by seeking a dynamic balance between the human being and his environment. Nowadays, global developments are causing serious disturbances of this balance. These disturbances must be counteracted with a holistic lifestyle in order to restore the harmony of the Tridosha in the body. The basis of this holistic lifestyle in Ayurveda is a healthy daily routine, healthy exercise and a healthy nutrition. This gives you a strong immune system that effectively protects you against all external attacks, including Covid 19. In the next articles I will show you all the elements of this holistic lifestyle. Today we will focus on the role of nutrition. In the following I will give you some nutritional recommendations based on the basic principles of Ayurveda.
7 recommendations for a healthy nutrition
1. Ensure optimal hydration of the body by drinking plenty of water. In this way you help the body to eliminate metabolic waste products from the body through urine and sweat, which helps to build up a good immunity.
2. Eat balanced, healthy food. Never eat too much, eat regularly and adapted to your body constitution.
3. Avoid foods that are difficult to digest and contain high levels of salt, sugar and fats.
4. Use spices such as ginger, garlic and turmeric in the preparation of your food. These improve your digestive power (Agni) and have antibiotic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
5. Abstain from smoking and drink only moderate amounts of alcohol.
6. Avoid diets, they do more harm than good.
7. Optimise your diet with ayurvedic herbal medicine. I would be happy to advise you:
I hope I have given you some useful tips for a healthy diet. In the next articles you will find more suggestions for a healthy, holistic lifestyle. I will tell you something about the role of yoga and meditation and I will explain the basics of Panchakarma and Rasayana treatments. So be curious.
Until then, best regards and stay healthy
Dr. Dinu Raj
Medical Director
Ayurveda Port Salvi