During this difficult time of the coronavirus crisis, we were all able to experience how important is an intact and strong immune system. We were able to establish that it is not the virus itself that is the real problem, but the extent to which our body is able to defend itself from the viral attack. An intact immune system is the key to a healthy and vital life. Here are some simple tips on how to get a strong immune system with the help of Ayurveda.
The Intestinal Guardian of Health
Modern immunology has demonstrated what was already known in Ayurveda in ancient writings: the intestine is the guardian of our health, because more than 80% of our immune system is located in the digestive tract. Consequently, the strengthening of the digestive power and a healthy intestine causes a reinforcement of the immune system. If we make our digestive system as efficient as possible, we strengthen the body’s defences.
Ayurvedic nutrition for a strong immune system
An elementary principle of Ayurvedic nutrition is that when all food is fully digested, the final result in the body – “Ojas” – arrives. Ojas is the “vaccine” produced in the body itself, which makes us immune, vital and healthy. Our digestive system is only able to produce Ojas from food if it has enough time for the digestion process. Therefore, breaks between meals should be at least 4 – 5 hours, during the night even 13 – 14 hours. These findings have also found their way into modern Western nutritional science, for example into the fundamentals of intermittent fasting. You can find more information about the principles of Ayurvedic nutrition here.
Ayurvedic spices strengthen the digestive power
Spices play an important role in Ayurveda in strengthening the digestive power (“Agni”) and thus for an intact immune system. I recommend the following spices. Ginger is the quintessential spice to enhance Agni. You can use it fresh or in powder form in almost all dishes, even in desserts. Turmeric also plays an important role. The bitter substance contained in turmeric has a satiating effect and stimulates intestinal activity. Through its anti-inflammatory substances, turmeric protects the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates the flow of bile and detoxifies the body. Another spice I recommend is cardamom. The essential oils of the sweet and spicy seeds stimulate the metabolism, provide intensive digestion and strong Ojas formation.
What you should definitely avoid in your diet are artificial flavor enhancers like glutamate and all industrially processed foods. This leads to blockages in the immune system.
Drink a lot, but do it right
A healthy digestive system needs lots of liquids to function properly. That is why it is very important to drink a lot during the day. But drinking is not drinking. Because drinks that are too cold weaken the digestive fire, you should always drink hot drinks as much as possible. There is actually also a time of day when we should not drink. This is always during meals. The liquid we drink dilutes the digestive juices and thus weakens the Agni. If you want to improve your digestive and immune system, I recommend an Ayurvedic hot water cure. You can learn more about it hier.
Avoid stress
The biggest enemy of the immune system is not viruses or bacteria, but stress. I’m sure you knew that. If you’re under a lot of stress, you’ll notice it first in your digestive system problems. Constipation, irritable bowel or diarrhea are just some of the symptoms. Over time these symptoms increase and intensify and are responsible for your defenses decreasing more and more. When we are under stress, sleep problems also increase. However, our immune system depends largely on the quality and duration of our sleep. While we sleep, the body releases large amounts of immune substances that are of fundamental importance to our immune system. Ayurveda offers many possibilities to effectively reduce stress and thus strengthen the immune system. You can find more information and tips here.
Now I have shown you some examples of how you can effectively strengthen your immune system. All this and much more can be done during an Ayurveda cure in Port Salvi. I would be delighted to welcome you to Port Salvi one day.
Ihr Dr. Sachin Sarpotbar